Set Pop-Up Alarms - Revisited
/What tool could be more important to organizing your work than your calendar? Time Matters helps you with advanced Calendar features.
Time Matters can automatically set pop-up Alarms to remind you of important Events. You can set an Alarm manually, but using the automatic approach is more reliable and efficient. The method described here uses Classification Codes. Each Event with a particular Code will automatically have an alarm that reminds you a number of minutes ahead of time.
How to Set Pop-Up Alarms Automatically
Once an automatic Alarm is set up, you do not have to do anything to make it work. You enter an Event with the right Code and it will have an Alarm.
To set up an automatic Alarm:
Pick a Classification Code for a type of Event that needs an automatic Alarm, such as CONF for Conference.
Create a Trigger that will turn on an Alarm for each of these Events. In the Main Menu, go to: File | Setup | Templates | Triggers | Event
Add a new Trigger, filling in these areas:
Description: CONF Alarm
Trigger... Fires when Record Added
Scope... ALL Selected - Code CONF|Conference - Staff RSB (your Staff name, usually your initials)
Active... Always
Add an Action to the Trigger by pressing the Add button.
Action to Take - Change Field
Change Field - Alarm to New Value of Y
Show Labels - Default
Click: OK OK
Now when you enter an Event with the Code, CONF, an Alarm will appear on your screen a number of minutes ahead of time so long as Time Matters is running.